It’s not everyday you get to hear about the history behind your favorite brands. It’s easy to forget that every product has a story, a beginning, and a creative mind behind it. The history of Dandy Blend is just that, and nothing short of incredible.
To help you understand our product better, and how near and dear dandelions are to our heart, we’re taking you through a trip down memory lane today to learn more about it.

About Dr. Peter Gail
Before we get into the history of Dandy Blend, we have to introduce you to the incredible Dr. Peter Gail. Dubbed the “king of dandelions”, Dr. Gail was a botanist who devoted his entire life to working with and studying plants. Especially dandelions. He taught people how to forage herbs and plants for pleasure, medicinal purposes, and for their healing properties. Over time, Dr. Gail was known for having one of the largest collections of recipes and folklore for wild edible plants in the United States.
How Dandy Blend Got Started
Back in 1990, Dr. Gail came across a caffeine-free beverage he liked, but knew he could love even more with a few tweaks. He combined his love of edible plants and dandelion root to make the most delicious, therapeutic caffeine-free beverage the world had ever known. It took him years to perfect, and by 1994, Dandy Blend was born.
Over time, people who were looking for coffee alternatives and more herbal approaches to caffeine became hooked on Dandy Blend. Between word of mouth and alternative medical practitioners sharing it with their clients, Dandy Blend began to grow.
Dr. Gail has a timeless entrepreneur story. His Dandy Blend journey started in his basement, which then moved to his garage, and in 2003 he was able to upgrade to a proper warehouse in Valley City, Ohio. By the year 2014, Dandy Blend became certified kosher, and by 2016, Dandy Blend added an organic blend to their line.
In 2019, Dandy Blend celebrated 25 years of being one of the original coffee alternatives, just one year after the passing of Dr. Gail. We hope you love supporting Dandy Blend as much as Dr. Gail enjoyed creating the beverage for you. He devoted his life to the beauty and benefits of dandelion, and his love of wildlife and edible plants lives through his continued legacy thanks to his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren who now run the business.
Happy Sipping!
To shop Dandy Blend and all our dandy offers, visit
Dandy Blend is not a supplement or medicine. Any health related questions or concerns, we always recommend consulting with your primary care physician.
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