Dr. Peter Gail, founder of Dandy Blend, poured his endless knowledge of edible wildlife, dandelion root, and his love of herb and plant-based recipes into his many books. Each of his books are available for purchase on our website, and today, we’re summarizing each of them to help you decide where to start.
If you first want to learn more about Dr. Peter Gail and the history of Dandy Blend, start here.

- The Dandelion Celebration
If you love dandelions, or are ready to dive into the magical world of dandelions, this is the book for you. It covers everything from gathering and cooking with dandelions, to their historical and medicinal background. You can enjoy a range of recipes including appetizers, dessert, and of course, his beloved dandelion coffee alternative from scratch. - The Delightful Delicious Daylily
Similar in context to The Dandelion Celebration, this book covers everything there is to know about daylilies. You’ll learn about the uses and cautions of daylilies, as well as some delicious recipes to make with this delightful flower. - The Great Dandelion Cookbook: Recipes from the National Dandelion Cookoff
As the name suggests, this book is dedicated to the delectable and delightful recipes you can make with dandelions. You’ll be amazed at how many of your favorite dishes can be upgraded with the simple addition of this edible herb. - The Magic in Dandelions
Even more information about dandelions can be found in this lively overview of the truly magical powers of dandelions. - The Volunteer Vegetable Sampler
When most people think of weeds, they think of pests. In this book, Dr. Peter Gail brings light to the amazing culinary and healing powers of the weeds in your very own backyard. He also dives into eating seasonally, how to gift wild foods for holidays and celebrations, and so much more. If you’re interested in true farm-to-table living, this is the book for you. - Those Messy Mulberries and What To Do With Them
If you’ve ever cooked with mulberries, you know how messy they can be. They stain very easily, but there’s no denying how delicious they are. Beyond that, Dr. Peter Gail goes into all of the medicinal uses for mulberries, and of course includes his most amazing recipes. - Violets in the Kitchen
Violets in the Kitchen is a culinary handbook to cooking with and enjoying violet leaves and flowers. From salads and souffles to ice cream and teas, this is the complete guide to adding violets to your next recipe venture.
Each of these books can be found on our website, here.
Happy Sipping!
To shop Dandy Blend and all our dandy offers, visit www.DandyBlend.com/shop.
Dandy Blend is not a supplement or medicine. Any health related questions or concerns, we always recommend consulting with your primary care physician.