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Homesteading is trending and we’re here for it. Whether you were born with a green thumb or you can’t keep a sprig of mint alive, these spring gardening tips will help you have a lush garden worth posting about in no time. From herbs to vegetables, we’re breaking down seven of our favorite gardening go-tos.

Garden tools in soil next to flowers

*Image by @freepik


Gardening in the springtime is popular for many reasons. First, springtime offers the perfect combination of sun, warmth, and moisture to encourage plant growth. Also, by starting your gardening venture in the spring, you can take advantage of the longer days and milder temperatures to extend the growing season. This helps give your plants more time to mature and produce flowers and/or vegetables throughout the spring, summer, and fall.


Here are seven of our go-to spring gardening tips.

1. Prepare Your Soil

Before planting, it’s important to take some time to prepare your soil by removing weeds, loosening compacted areas, and adding organic matter such as compost. This will help improve soil structure, fertility, and drainage, providing a healthy foundation for your plants to thrive.

2. Plan Your Garden Layout

The idea of spring gardening is great, but making sure you have the proper layout is key. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, plant spacing, and aesthetic appeal. Pro tip: group plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together to maximize efficiency and minimize maintenance.

3. Choose the Right Plants for You

While strawberries sound delicious to have at your fingertips, not all climates will work. Do your research and select plants that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions. If you’re a first time gardener, consider what plants and herbs grow locally and start with those.

4. Start Seeds Indoors

It’s easier to keep plants alive when you purchase mature ones. If you want to purchase seeds instead, start them indoors in early spring. Use seed trays or pots filled with sterile potting mix, and provide adequate light, warmth, and moisture to promote healthy seedling growth. This way you have more control over their environment.

5. Protect Against Frost

If you live somewhere where late spring frost can occur, be sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast. It only takes one freeze to ruin your garden. Cover tender plants with frost cloth or plastic sheeting overnight, and bring container plants indoors or into a sheltered area if necessary.

6. Water Wisely

Not all plants need water daily, or even weekly. Ask your local garden store about the requirements for each of your plants and create a schedule for yourself. Use a watering can or soaker hose to deliver water directly to the base of plants, minimizing evaporation and runoff.

7. Monitor for Pests and Diseases

Keep an eye out for signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies in your garden, and take prompt action to address any issues. Practice good garden hygiene by removing diseased or infested plants, and consider using natural pest control methods such as companion planting, beneficial insects, or essential oil-based sprays.

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