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On a journey to become gardeners, we’re always looking for ways to attract beneficial pollinators to our outdoor spaces. What if we told you that one of the most powerful pollinator-attracting plants is already a key ingredient in your favorite coffee alternative? That’s right–the humble dandelion, and star of Dandy Blend (we use the root of the plant in our herbal beverage), is a pollinator powerhouse. In today’s blog, we’re sharing garden tips for growing (and taming) dandelions.

Dandelions in gravel

*Image by @ededchechine

What Makes Dandelions Garden Superstars

While often considered a pesky weed, dandelions are actually one of the most beneficial plants you can have in your garden. Not only are they edible from root to flower, but they also play a crucial role in supporting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Dandelions bloom early in the spring, providing a vital food source for pollinators when other flowers may be scarce. Their bright yellow flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, making them irresistible to a wide variety of insects. In fact, dandelion nectar is so delightfully nutritious that it’s often referred to as “bee bread” by beekeepers.

Garden Tips for Caring for Dandelions

If you’re ready to incorporate dandelions into your garden, here are some helpful garden tips:

1. Let them grow

The easiest way to cultivate dandelions is to let them be. If you already have dandelions in your lawn, consider designating a “wild” area where they can flourish.

2. Collect and sow seeds

Dandelion seeds are easy to collect and sow. Wait until the flower has turned into a white puff-like ball, then gently blow the seeds into your desired growing area.

3. Plant in containers

If you’re worried about dandelions spreading too much, grow them in containers. This allows you to enjoy their benefits while controlling their growth.

Happy gardening and happy sipping.

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Dandy Blend is not a supplement or medicine. Any health related questions or concerns, we always recommend consulting with your primary care physician.

*Banner image by @freepik